December 24, 2024

Palestine Launchpad with Google: Graduation Ceremony and Job Fair Celebrates Over 400 Job-Ready Tech Graduates

Group photo of Tech graduates

The Palestine Launchpad with Google programme hosted its first Graduation Ceremony and Job Fair at TechnoPark, Birzeit, marking a significant milestone for the Palestinian tech ecosystem. The event celebrated 160+ attendees of those who completed the Google scholarship programme, honouring their extensive upskilling journey. Equipped with the latest tech skills needed in the market, these graduates are ready to tackle the critical skills gap in today’s job market and bridge the divide between technical knowledge and real-world application in Palestine.

group photo of graduates of the Palestine Launchpad tech programme

The hybrid event was powered by Google, in collaboration with Udacity, SPARK, and in partnership with GGateway, Intersect, TAP, and supported by Palestinian IT Association PITA. It aimed to connect Nanodegree graduates with leading tech companies, employers, and career experts, offering new opportunities within Palestine’s growing tech sector. The ceremony underscored the programme’s commitment to shaping and empowering a vibrant Palestinian tech ecosystem.

Graduates of the programme completed internationally recognised Nanodegree Certificates in leading tech skills of Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Web Development. The content of these programmes is developed in collaboration with industry leaders ensuring that the graduates have gained relevant expertise in today’s workforce and positioning them as valuable assets to the region’s expanding tech industry.

To ensure the event is tailored for Palestinian tech professionals, the event was designed with local partners and key stakeholders to offer a comprehensive experience for both graduates and employers. Panel discussions featured Ms. Huda Alwahedi, the Deputy Minister of Telecommunication and Digital Economy, and speakers on the Palestinian tech ecosystem such as Ms. Amani Maadi from The Palestine Information and Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI), Mr. Feras Nasr from TechStart, Mr. Alaa Ala Alaeddin from InterTech, Mr. Rasem Suwan from ENABLE and more. Attendees then participated in panel discussion sharing insights on navigating their career journey in tech, their goals and successes, and advice from experienced tech professionals. 

Following the stage portion of the event, attendees joined career readiness workshops facilitated by, and roundtable discussions, and received personalized consultations, to prepare them for their job matching journey. Tech employers  also met with  emerging tech professionals and engaged in  real-time interviews, CV submissions, and portfolio reviews, fostering meaningful connections within the local tech community. 

After sharing knowledge on the Palestinian tech ecosystem and facilitating in the two-way discussions to network with one another, career experts and prominent speakers from the Palestinian tech ecosystem, the attendees also partook in a workshop by attorney Amer Kurdi, from Adel Law on navigating the tech job market when it came to labour laws and understanding their rights. 

“We are thrilled to see the growth of Palestinian tech talent through the Palestine Launchpad.”, said Dina Almasaeid, Regional Programme Director at SPARK. “This programme continues to equip learners with the skills, knowledge, and networks to succeed in a competitive global job market, strengthening Palestine’s tech ecosystem for the future.” she continues. 

The Palestine Launchpad programme continues to focus on upskilling Palestinian tech talent, ensuring that participants are equipped with the tools necessary to become leaders in Palestine’s tech industry. With the third cohort successfully completed, the programme is now accepting applications for the fourth cohort, offering fully funded scholarships to aspiring tech professionals ready to embark on their journey in 2025. Seats are limited, Apply now!

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