Working for peace and stability
We open pathways for young people, particularly women and refugees, to study, work and grow their own businesses in fragile communities. Their success brings stability where it's needed most.

How we work
There is little support for students and entrepreneurs in regions affected by conflict, the climate crisis or displacement. Even when education is available, it is hard, if not impossible, for motivated, talented young people to access the labour market. Our 30 years of experience has allowed us to develop a cross-sector approach that opens up pathways to employment for potential entrepreneurs.
By uniting the private sector, local government and other key partners, we build enabling environments that allow young people to start and scale up their own businesses. Their success boosts local economies and rebuilds communities.
Our services
All our programmes are founded on close collaboration with local partners. Their expertise and knowledge of local conditions enables us to develop our manuals and services for each location. Working closely together ensures that we can offer students and entrepreneurs the tools they need to achieve their goals.

Sustainable Development Goals
SPARK focuses on the UN Sustainable Development Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. Through our work, we promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

Our values
Our five values are the heart of everything we do. They inspire us to be the best we can be for ourselves and everyone we work with:
Trust us to be reliable, fair and have integrity.
A can do attitude is how we achieve our best results.
We care for what we do and who we work with.
We are courageous in who we are, what we do and who we support.
Ignite innovative responses to the ever-changing needs of the countries we work in.

IGNITE jobs now!
Our annual conference is the only international event that brings together all the people working to create better jobs in fragile states. More than 400 people, from entrepreneurs to governments, meet to discuss how to promote sustainable jobs for young people in fragile states.