February 11, 2013

Two blogs on progress in fragile states by SPARK

Invited to guest post for the International Network for Economics and Conflict, Spark Director, Yannick du Pont speaks about the importance and challenges of creating jobs for youth in post-conflict states.

Read the ‘Must Do’s of 2013’  and ‘Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Creating Inclusive Youth Employment in Fragile States.’

Photo credit: John Bittinger Klomp

While unemployment provides a pool of new recruits for crime formations, providing employment by means of entrepreneurship opportunities, partner programs and government initiatives; youth in fragile states are less likely to join armed formations such as local militia in their area.  Through job creation and entrepreneurship opportunities, SPARK ‘ delivers programs that create jobs and other essential services that cultivate the trust of the community…’ (Du Pont).  It is rooted in this community trust that SPARK has been, and will continue, to succeed in delivering tangible results.  In addition, Du Pont points out 5 main ‘Must Do’s of 2013′ that are essential for the innovation and advancement of development organizations; the first, of course, being transparency.  Read more about the ‘Must Do’s of 2013 ‘ and ‘Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Creating Inclusive Youth Employment in Fragile States