March 4, 2014

SPARK Supports Agribusiness

The Dutch Economic Development Magazine spoke to SPARK about their new Agri Business Creation project. 

Recently launched, the Agri Business Creation project offers coaching, training and financial support to the agro-SME, all initiatives that have already been well received in Burundi and South Sudan.  Twenty years after establishment, SPARK continues to lobby for better business environments and now operates in ten different countries, including West and Mid-Africa, the West Balkans, Southeast Europe, the Occupies Palestinian Territories, Yemen and Libya.

With more regions on its sights, SPARK hopes to expand the Agri Business Creation project to regions like Iraq, Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Myanmar.  Aware of the challenging environment, SPARK believes development in these regions can be achieved and prove beneficial for the environment and all stakeholders involved.

 Download and read more from the Dutch Economic Development article below.

SPARK ondersteunt agribusiness

4292 banen gecreëerd, 945 mkb-ondernemingen gesteund, 94% van de startups slaagt. Dat zijn de indrukwekkende cijfers van Spark , een van origine Nederlandse organisatie die al 20 jaar met steeds groter succes deelneemt aan de(weder)opbouw van de economie in fragiele staten als Burundi, Yemen en Zuid-Soedan. Eén van hun speerpunten krijgt vorm door het Agri Business Creationprogramma (ABC). Nederlandse agribusinessondernemingen kunnen
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