The latest news from SPARK
IGNITE Conference: September 13, 2022
2021 Annual Report
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How a women-led Burundian VSLA turned into a thriving business
With the help of coaching and training, a women-led village savings and loan association (VSLA) flourished into a business that…
Meet five youth-led businesses scaling up in Rumonge, Burundi
Five youth-led startups and SMEs are being supported by the Akazi Keza programme to start and scale up their operations….
COVID-19 Response
Tadamon in Somalia: Healthcare workers, women and MSMEs
Rwanda’s quality cassava seeds: A tale of three successes
In countries where cassava is essential for the livelihood of millions of farmers, diseases that decrease crop yields by 20-100%…
2021: Responding, innovating and building in fragile states
COP26: How we are supporting SMEs to become climate-resilient
On the final day of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, adaptation and adaptation finance for…
IGNITE 8 : Reimagine Jobs
The future of work depends on green jobs, digital jobs and flexible jobs. Employment around the world is dramatically shifting….