Professional business training for migrants
Want 2016 to be different? Are you a migrant in the Netherlands, do you want to work in a professional career, do you have a business idea? SPARK will begin their next entrepreneur training programme in April 2016. We target aspiring migrants who want to professionalize further before starting a business, as well as individuals who want to find out if an entrepreneurial future is the right thing for them.
For who is the training programme meant?
The training programme is meant for a migrant diaspora of Ghanaian, Moroccan, Kurdish, Afghanistan, Somalian or Surinamese origin in the Netherlands who have an ambition to start a business in their country of origin or to expand an existing business in their country of origin.
Entrepreneurs that we have helped to start-up so far are wide ranging from real estate companies to chicken farms and everything in between. But starting a business is not easy. That is why at SPARK we started the Migrant Entrepreneurs Programme (MEP) 2 years ago which gives migrants in the Netherlands access to affordable business start-up training, coaching and, if the business plan is strong enough, some financial help towards the costs for further market development. The objective of the training is for the participant to get the necessary knowledge and skills to start developing a concrete business plan.
What will you learn?
The training teaches migrants the basic building blocks of a business plan: understanding entrepreneurship; from the business idea to the business plan, marketing; the organization and financial plan. During this training migrants are taught skills such as giving elevator pitches, making marketing plans, how to deal with competition, how to pitch for potential investors, business administration and financial planning.
What does the total training cost?
SPARK covers all professional training costs for the 5 day training, and is only requests the participant a fee of 30 euros per day for accommodation and lunch. This includes a professional trainer, training materials, lunch and coffee/tea/water.
You can sign for the coming programme in the google docs blow or call Stan on +31 20 7522195
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