September 22, 2016

New Possibilities for Syria’s Future Leaders

DSC_0618September is a month of new beginnings for most, originally for harvesting the summer’s crops, nowadays for going back to school or work. Yet for most Syrian’s still living in the region, each new month brings further bad news from home. However, for nearly 800 young Syrians, waking up on day of the SPARK Leadership Assessments brought about an exciting feeling of hope on the horizon.

SPARK offers Syrian refugees, living in the surrounding countries, the opportunity to apply for full university scholarships. The grants cover tuition fees and a monthly stipend.

DSC_0578SPARK recently held 9 different Leadership Assessment Days across three cities in South East Turkey, in order for keen prospective-students to demonstrate their leadership and entrepreneurial skills. Hundreds of Syrian students attended the days at Gaziantep University, Harran University and Mustafa Kemal University. The results of the examination, together with a telephone interview and an online application form, will determine the scholarship selection.

Since starting the Higher Education for Syrians (HES) Project in 2015, SPARK has been able to offer 1571 scholarships, in partnership with Qatari, Al Fakhoora Foundation. Currently, the SPARK Turkey team is working day and night to decide which students will be granted scholarships. This year we hope to offer several hundred scholarships. The results will be announced as soon as possible.

More pictures available here.

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