November 14, 2013

MFSII Kosovo partners with MDF in Skopje

As part of annual MDF coaching plan for Kosovo  Spark organized a  joint MFSII Kosovo partners workshop on subject of “Co-funding”. The training took  place in Skopje, Macedonia on 11th – 13th of November.

 In order to familiarise the partners with the concept of  ‘co-funding’, experiences from practice in different counters, as well as feasibility of various options in the Kosovo context, this workshop was implemented together with MDF (MCIC Skopje).

The aim was for the participants to learn about the reasons for introduction of the ‘co-funding’ concept and why it matters in all donor grant-mechanisms. They also provided valuable experience on  know how ‘co-funding’ is provided and functions in the global arena, with specific emphasis on Western Europe and USA, as well as the Balkans, specifically to what extent each of the models can be implemented in Kosovo. 

Also, the part of the workshop was devoted to refreshing the knowledge about the Balanced Score Card.

The training was conducted by Mr. Saso Klekovski, Ms. Marija Sazdevski  and Mr. Aleksandar Krzalovski from Macedonian Center for International Cooperation.

This as well was a great opportunity for all of them to discuss upcoming PAC meeting in Amsterdam and once again help our PAC representative to prepare presentation for this event.