April 15, 2013

Islamic University of Gaza Visits SPARK

SPARK partners, the Islamic University of Gaza and their Incubator, visited Serbia and Kosovo in April with the aim to transfer the know-how and establish connections with successful incubators from the Western Balkans.

Introduced to 5 business incubators and a SPARK initiated Business Start-up Centre the delegation’s most significant task was to find new ways to improve their incubator services by discovering new possibilities for cooperation, with well known and successful incubators, and their tenant companies.
BTI in Gaza is founded by the University, so a special component of this visit was devoted to exchanging experiences in how incubators attract students and fresh graduates from universities and explore different cooperation models between universities and incubators.  There were many ideas from both sides on the prospects for further engagements and cooperation and implementation of joint initiatives which visiting incubators are expected to realize in the coming months.