June 4, 2013

Business Plan Competitions in Benghazi

On May 26th the Benghazi Entrepreneurship Centre (BEC) launched their BEC Business Plan Competition and the Women in Business Plan Competition.  Implemented with a local NGO, the Committee to Support Women Participation in Decision Making, the Women in Business Plan Competition focuses on promoting women entrepreneurs.

Both Competitions will run until June 9th, with the first round of evaluations conducted by an independent committee made up of a local jury.  25 selected participants from each competition will participate in SPARK’s Business Skills Training where they will be trained on vital skills to start their small businesses and develop their business plans.  For the second round of evaluations, all 50 finalists will pitch their business plans to the jury.  A total of 30 winners, 15 for each competition, will be selected based on their business feasibility, profitability and potential to create jobs. The final winners will be awarded business coaching sessions of a total value of 1,000 LYD and registrations cost for their business will be covered by the BEC. As part of the competitions’ award ceremony, the winners will be matched with potential investors and financial institutions.

Benghazi Entrepreneurship Centre Please contact the Benghazi Entrepreneurship Centre for any further information on bec[at] or visit the BEC facebook page

The Benghazi Entrepreneurship Centre (BEC) project aims to support SME Startups and growth in Eastern Libya by offering Business Skills Training to beneficiaries selected through a competitive model (Business Plan Competitions). The project equally aims to unlock domestic investment capital by engaging banks and other financial institutions in the project and commit them to provide investment finance to BPC winners.


للمشاركة في مسابقة افضل خطة عمل التي ينظمها مركز بنغازي لريادة الأعمال و مؤسسة سبارك الهولاندية و الفوز بتسجيل مجاني لمشروعك التجاري و الحصول على تدريب مكثف على المهارات التجارية، و الإستشارات، وامكانية  الحصول على تمويل و القروض المتناهية الصغر بالإضافة إلى العديد من الخدمات المساندة لتمكينك من البدء في مشروعك، ما عليك سوى القيام بما يلي :

  • ·         تقديم فكرة المشروع كاملة في موعد لا يتجاوزالساعة 11:00 مساء يوم الخميس الموافق 13/6/2013  و ترسل على عنوان البريد الالكتروني التالي : bec[at] .

سيقوم مركز بنغازي لريادة الأعمال بدراسة طلبك اذا تحققت الشروط التالية:

ü      أنت مواطن ليبي ومقيم في ليبيا وعمرك يتراوح بين 18 – 35 عاما في يوم الموعد النهائي لتقديم الطلبات.

ü      تقديم النموذج باللغة العربية.

ü      أن يتم تقديم طلب واحد فقط.

ü      ان لا يتجاوز عدد الصفحات لطلبك الـــ 12 صفحة

Application forms and competition rules can be downloaded by clicking on the links below:

BEC Business Concept Application Form (Arabic)

BEC Business Plan Competition Rules & Regulations (Arabic)

BEC BPC Flyer 2013 (Arabic)