Amendment Pleading for Increased Participation by Southern NGOs Divides Development Sector
An amendment passed by Member of Parliament, Roelof van Laar (Labour Party), at the end of December, has caused division within the Dutch development sector. Pleading for more involvement of Southern NGOs by granting them so-called secretarial participation (‘penvoerderschap’) for more direct financing, the amendment challenges the original plans of the strategic partnerships as proposed by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, Lilianne Ploumen.
Vice Versa talked to different parties about the proposed amendment, among them SPARK Director Yannick Du Pont.
De motie van PvdA-Kamerlid Roelof van Laar die eind december werd aangenomen zorgt voor pittige discussies. Hierin werd bepaald dat zuidelijke organisaties in de strategische allianties van minister Ploumen ook penvoerder mogen worden. Maar het aannemen van de motie ging niet zonder slag of stoot. De sector was – en is – hevig verdeeld. Vice Versa dook in het dossier en sprak met verschillende betrokkenen… read more